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White Waves

Tianjin Temple Shed

Summer 2022: Along with partners from Tianjin Temple and the Burnaby Primary Care Network, volunteers from DLYC planned, designed, constructed, and decorated a community shed at 3426 Smith Avenue. The shed consists of a fridge and pantry, open 24/7 for those in need of food. Our opening event was attended by Mayor Hurley and numerous city representatives.


Antara Deb's Campaign

Fall 2022: DLYC volunteers spent Wednesday and Sunday afternoons campaigning for city councillor candidate Antara Deb, distributing flyers and knocking on doors across Burnaby. Our members worked closely with current city councillors, MLAs, and Antara herself to spread the word about the upcoming Fall 2022 municipal elections.



Community Movie Night

Summer 2022: Under the guidance of MLA Anne Kang and student leaders, the Burnaby – Deer Lake Constituency Office and DLYC hosted a movie night for over 100 neighbourhood attendees. Our volunteers helped with setting up equipment, ushering guests, and flyering. Some even stayed until 11 PM to help clean up (and spending 30 minutes trying to deflate the giant movie screen).

White Waves

Burnaby Hospital Cards

Spring 2022: Over the course of a month, DLYC volunteers and their friends created over 300 thank-you cards for staff at the Burnaby Hospital, expressing the community's gratitude toward front-line workers during the pandemic. These cards were then delivered in person to doctors and nurses at the hospital.

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